Life360, the family safety and location app engaged by over 66 million users every month, has introduced its latest in-app feature, Landing Notifications. The new addition will provide users with automatic alerts when a member of their Circle has landed from a flight, set to offer an additional layer of reassurance for families.

The announcement was made on 9th April 2024 in London, stating that the new feature will be accessible to all Life360 users as the travel season for 2024 accelerates. Landing Notifications are designed to simplify the process of staying informed about loved ones’ travels.

Chris Hulls, the Founder and CEO of Life360, remains committed to enhancing the experience for its members. “As we introduce Landing Notifications, our aim remains consistent: to elevate the experience for our valued members,” Hulls said. “We recognise the significance of travel within our community, and thus, Landing Notifications embodies our dedication to keeping our members seamlessly connected with their loved ones.”

Landing Notifications provide a real-time alternative to potentially inaccurate or slow flight tracking apps. Specific flight details like the airline or flight numbers are not needed. The feature proficiently keeps track of both domestic and international flights globally, using phone sensors such as location, altitude and speed to accurately identify takeoff and landing times, even in aeroplane mode.

The process is effortless; Circle members are immediately notified when the traveller reconnects to a network after landing. The feature is automatically enabled for all users of the latest Life360 app via the Flight Detection toggle in the settings, giving users the flexibility to disable notifications when needed.

In a further update, the new feature will also display a plane icon on the Life360 map, indicating when a Circle member is in flight. Varied movement icons appear when members travel at specific speeds, delivering real-time information on the activities of loved ones. With these intuitive icons overlaying map pins, Circle members can stay informed and connected to each other simply by tapping to access Focus Mode for detailed insights on the current speed and location of their Circle.

Engaged by over 66 million worldwide and with a user base of four million in the UK alone, the Life360 app permits members to keep their inner Circle updated on their real-time location and movements easily. Apart from location-sharing and Landing Notifications, Life360 also offers a wide range of features, which include driving reports, crash detection, SOS, and emergency dispatch services, among others.

Besides, Life360 also owns and operates Tile, the Bluetooth tracker, enabling members to incorporate everyday essentials, such as cars, backpacks, and even pets, into their Life360 map, facilitating seamless coordination and peace of mind for all its users.

Life360’s introduction of Landing Notifications represents a significant enhancement to its suite of family safety features, catering to the needs of its extensive user base across the globe. By leveraging real-time data and intuitive design, Life360 continues to prioritise seamless connectivity and peace of mind for families, especially during times of travel. As Life360 evolves to meet the changing needs of its users, its dedication to enhancing family safety remains unwavering.

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