A team of 12 young dancers in Jersey have qualified for one of the biggest competitions in the world.

Mini Madness will compete in the Dance World Cup Finals which will be held in Prague in June.

However, they are facing a major challenge of travel expenses and have not been able to fundraise the amount needed.

Dance teacher Kerrie Hudson says: “They all come from different backgrounds and some just don’t have the funds needed to go.

“This is the third year now that they’ve qualified and the last three years we have said no to them.”

The group is not eligible for government grants as it is deemed a commercial business.

Dance teacher Kerrie Hudson says the group have been fundraising but it is not enough to get them all to Prague. Credit: ITV Channel

Fellow teacher Laura Lloyd adds it would mean so much for the troupe to represent Jersey on an international stage.

She explains: “They’ve been working so hard, to go and experience it would just be out of this world for them.

“They’re the little rising stars.”

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