InsideJapan has introduced a self-guided itinerary that will take travelers on an exploration of Japan’s lesser-traveled destinations. 

The 14-night Hidden Zen itinerary will take guests on a self-guided adventure along the recently opened Hokuriku bullet train route between Kanazawa and Tsuruga. 

Guests will explore Japan’s western coast, making stops at the rice paddies and rural farms of Toyama, the hot spring towns of Kaga Onsen as well as visiting the ancient temples of Fukui. 

Immersive cultural activities will be included, such as participating in a home-cooking class and meeting local artisans. Travelers will also get to spend some in Tokyo and Kyoto. 

The Hidden Zen tour also includes stays in eight different accommodation types, such as independent hotels, a historic Machiya rural townhouse, temple lodgings, a traditional ryokan and Rakudo-an, a restored farmhouse with guestrooms.

Prices begin at $7,839 per person. 

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