Historic nudist resort in South Bay being sold

Like to travel light? One cruise ship soon to set sail from Florida is making sure all you need is the bare necessities – no shoes, no clothes but plenty of service. 

The Big Nude Boat” will take travelers from Miami to the Caribbean on “an 11-day adventure back to Bare-adise,” the website says. Setting sail from Feb. 3 through Valentine’s Day 2025, the trip offers a “stress-free, clothes-free experience” during which up to 2,300 passengers can roam the ship in the nude while out at sea. 

“It’s our pleasure to provide you with the luxury of deciding what NOT to wear,” Bare Necessities Tour and Travel says. 


Passengers won’t be allowed to be naked when the ship is docked, but can ditch their usual attire once they are anchored or out on the water. And when clothing is optional, standard nudist etiquette must be abided by, the website says. When sitting, nude passengers must either wear a thong or sit on a towel or some kind of fabric. And while the self-serve buffet on the pool deck is a clothes-free area, passengers must be dressed for all dining room meals – and no, bathrobes don’t count. 

Photos and videos will also not be permitted unless all individuals being documented give consent. 

“The Big Nude Boat” is just one of the cruises offered by Bare Necessities, which says on its website that the company has been “working to break down the barriers against social nudity and make clothing-optional vacationing a viable and acceptable option for all.” 

“Social nudity is not a sexual activity, and we strive to dispel the misconception that it is anything but natural and beautiful,” the company says. “We have made strides in the acceptance of nude vacationing and our wide range of cruise charters are a testament to our success.”

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