The beer gardens are bursting and the piazzas are packed: it’s summertime in Europe. But where should you go on holiday in June; that magic time when the Med twinkles winsomely from dawn until dusk, and nights that resemble day urge spritzes on canals and sangrias in cobbled squares long after twilight? As the continent basks in the beginnings of busy season, it’s a fine time to be a pioneer – to find local beach scenes and hot nightlife in lesser-visited corners (many of which you can even reach by train). Or super-size it and strike out for North America, land of largesse, where vast landscapes are showing off their summer glow, and big cities crank up their festival calendars.

Is it cheaper to go on holiday in June?

In many parts of the world, June isn’t quite peak season – British schools don’t break up for the summer until July, which means flights are often cheaper, and there are deals to snap up. June is an appealing time of year for those without kids to travel, so venturing somewhere lesser-known is a great way to make your budget stretch farther while avoiding the crowds. May we suggest Sweden’s archipelagos or Warsaw? Read more on both below.

Where is hot in June?

June is the start of summer in Europe and North America, so you’ll find many corners from these destinations below, including the Amalfi Coast, Croatia, the South of France, Quebec in Canada and Nashville in the USA. Ningaloo Reef in Australia, on the other hand, is in its winter season in June – temperatures hover around 24°C, making it a perfect time to visit.

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