Every one who has been abroad can relate to that impatient moment, waiting for your luggage to come down that conveyor belt.

Baggage claim is a key part of your time at the airport, signifying the excitement upon arrival or the eagerness to return home after a long trip.

But what if we told you that by doing this one thing at baggage claim, you could be angering other passengers, and even causing delays?

In a recent string of TikTok videos, uncovered by package holidays provider Travel Republic, there has been an increase in the number of videos discussing their biggest ‘airport icks’.

The videos show travellers crowding the baggage claim waiting for their luggage, with some standing just “inches away” from the carousel, creating a wall of people in front of the conveyor belt and other passengers’ bags.

One TikTok has gained over 56k views, with viewers flocking to the comment section to share their anger on this habit.

One user wrote, “Drives me CRAZY”, with another agreeing saying, “yes this makes me so mad!!!!”.

One viewer even called this habit an airport “pet peeve!.”

A habit so harmless, yet it could cause delays and possibly even injury to passengers.

Travel Republic explains: “There are many things our fellow travellers do that can sometimes annoy us, and crowding near the baggage claim is definitely one of them.

One of the main ways this habit could cause delays while travelling is if passengers stop others from claiming their bags. This is especially true if other travellers are taking connecting flights or further transportation before arriving at their destination. By blocking the baggage carousel, you increase the risk of these travellers not making their connections due to delayed baggage, which can cause a knock-on effect of delays.

In addition to this, standing too close to the carousel can even cause injury to yourself or other passengers. Unsecured luggage and other hold items can fly off the revolving carousel as it travels through luggage claim, so standing too close could cause you to be hit.”

Experts at travel republic revealed their tips on how to collect your luggage from baggage claim correctly :

1. Stand at least a metre from the carousel

While it is tempting to stand as close to the carousel as possible to avoid missing your luggage, airport staff recommend standing away from the luggage carousel. Many luggage areas will even have markings on the floor to show you where you should stand, but if you are in doubt, standing a metre away from the carousel will reduce crowding and allow you to see your luggage.

2. Send one member of your party to wait for your luggage to avoid crowding

Whether you are travelling as a couple or as a large party, it is recommended that only one member of your travelling group stand near the carousel. This will reduce crowding near the luggage and give you better visibility when waiting for your bag.

3. Only step up to the carousel once you have clearly seen your luggage

Only once you have seen your luggage appear on the carousel should you move closer to retrieve it. This will limit the chance of mistakenly delaying other passengers and reduce your chance of being injured by unsecured items.

Experts at Travel Republic added: “It is best to be patient and stand back when at baggage claim to give other passengers a chance to grab their luggage.

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