
Jason’s rollator has helped him find his feet again

In that spirit, I’ll be starting with a trip to Sicily in May with a travel company specialising in disabled-friendly and accessible holidays.


I cannot wait. I cannot wait to meet new people, see a part of the world I’ve not been to, indulge in some fine cuisine — and maybe an alcoholic tipple or two.




I close by acknowledging life is different for me now. How can it not be? You’re fighting this disease every minute of every day, but we find inner strength we didn’t know we had and we carry on.


In doing so, I remind myself to be grateful. Grateful for the wonderful people in my life, grateful to still have the opportunities to live my life, grateful to still participate, grateful still to be able to travel thanks to the progress this industry is making.


We’re not here to just exist, and these life changes are simply part of my life journey.


Jason Winter in TTG’s campaign marketing manager. You can find our more about MS and MS Awareness Week via the MS Society, the MS Trust and MS UK, among others.

Focus on MS

It is estimated there are more than 130,000 people in the UK diagnosed with MS. That’s one in 500, with about 130 people being diagnosed every week on average. MS is commonly diagnosed in people between the ages of 20 and 30. There are roughly three times as many women with MS as men.

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