The SNP and Scottish Greens are facing calls to abandon plans for an “air travel supertax” that could isolate Aberdeen and the north-east from the rest of the world. The Scottish Government is considering increasing domestic flight prices through taxation as a means to address its net zero shortcomings.

The proposed “air departure tax,” has been a long-standing point of contention with environmental groups, but it now appears to be a key strategy in discouraging air travel in favour of train journeys. However, this would require Westminster’s approval to replace the existing air passenger duty with a tax applicable to all eligible passengers departing UK airports.

Last week, the Scottish Government faced significant embarrassment when it was forced to abandon its ambitious climate targets. Now, it seems they are considering pricing people out of domestic flights in favour of more sustainable transport options.

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This move could also impact SNP MPs who regularly fly between Scotland and England.

The Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce has issued a warning against these plans, stating that they could sever connections between Aberdeen, the north east, and the rest of the world. They have labelled the proposal as a “knee-jerk response” that could further harm an economy already struggling due to the decline of the oil and gas sector, reports the Scottish Daily Express.

Humza Yousaf has made an appeal to voters in the north-east by stating his intentions for it to be the “net zero capital of Europe”, with Stephen Flynn, leader of SNP Westminster, being an MP for the city. However, critics argue that his plans could hinder this progress due to claims that it will deter individuals from taking flights from Aberdeen International Airport.

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