Craig Timmins started performing the squat thrust style exercises at 5am this morning at AJ’s Gym in Bloxwich, and will continue for 24 hours.

Craig Timmins is continuing his 24 hour Burpees challenge for Jordan Lockley (pictured centre of the group) at AJ’s Gym, Bloxwich. He is being cheered on by supporters including Jordan and his family and friends..

He is raising money for 21-year-old Jordan Lockley, who has Quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy and Gilbert’s syndrome and has been told he has six months to live, Mr Timmins said.

Craig said: “Jordan is a lovely lad but he may not have long left as his conditions mean his organs are being crushed.

“The money raised will help pay for a bucket list trip to London to see the sight and possibly a holiday in Blackpool.

“I’m not sure whether I will make the record but we are sending footage to the verifiers at the Guinees Book of Records and we will see what they say. But the main thing is to raise money for Jordan who is a lovely lad and has been present to support me in this with his family.”

Two years ago Craig pushed an inspirational 10-year-old boy over 100 miles to Blackpool to help raise £10,000 to fund his physiotherapy

A Go Fund Me pager has already raised nearly £3,000 of the £5,000 target for Jordan – it can be accessed at

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