A globetrotter paid to visit incredible locations across the world began to suffer from a debilitating condition which stopped the moment she called quits on her seemingly perfect life.

For much of her life Lauren Juliff has had the kind of career most people can only dream of. For 12 years she has whizzed across the world, meeting remarkable people and soaking in the sights in more than 100 countries, earning her crust as a travel influencer. She was ideal for the job, having spent her childhood counting down the time to her next family holiday on a giant wall calendar and starting moonily at maps.

She started plotting a big trip as she studied towards a masters degree in physics at Royal Holloway university and set off for a year long trek after graduating, having spent months saving by selling her spare belongings and working at a supermarket.

“Initially, I planned for my website to keep friends and family updated on the places I was seeing. It was quite unexpected, then, when I found myself amassing a small audience – mostly by posting links to my articles on social media. By the time I left the UK – in July 2011 – I had several thousand regular readers,” Lauren explained.

Lauren worked out how to get paid to explore(Lauren Juliff)

“As I began to explore Eastern Europe – my first destination was Croatia – I started receiving emails from advertisers who were looking to pay to promote their services to my readers. By the time I was six months into my trip, I was consistently making £1,500 (a month), which was enough money to sustain myself in cheaper regions of the world. It was at this point that I realised if this kept going, I might never have to return home.

“My dream had always been to see as much of the world as possible, so once I’d seemingly made that a reality, I was determined to never let it go.”

For the next five years Lauren travelled continuously, visiting 75 countries across five continents. “I hiked across glaciers in New Zealand and camped in the deserts of Morocco. I watched the sunrise over Chichen Itza and the sunset over Angkor Wat. I walked along the Great Wall of China and sailed a yacht around the coast of Turkey. I learned to surf in Bali and snorkelled over the Great Barrier Reef,” she said.

Lauren went on to meet her partner, another full time traveller, while in Thailand and continued to explore the world with him. At the five year mark however, something changed.

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