Irish Rail tour company Táilte Tours CLG are continuing to organise special and memorable journeys across Ireland.

This time they have successfully organised a trip that fans of the 2600 “Arrow” class will be particularly excited about.

Set to run on Saturday April 5, the “Eyre Lee Bird” trip will run from Cork to Galway via the reopened Western Rail Corridor.

The train will consist of a type that used to run on this section of line, which will include a set of class 2600 Tokyu Railcars.

The trains called “Arrows” now primarily run on services around Cork and Kerry, having been displaced by modern class 2800 and 22000 units on the Galway route.

It has been over two decades since a class 2600 last travelled to Galway in the west of Ireland, which gives this tour great appeal to those who want re-live the years when they were the mainstay of power on this line.

Arrow Set 2601 - Táilte Tours
Arrow Set 2601 // Credit: Táilte Tours

The trip is also planned to have pioneer units Nos. 2601+2602 which have become local celebrities following their cosmetic repaint into their original orange and black “Arrow” livery, which was done to celebrate 30 years since trains first came into operation.

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